Charity & not-for-profit organisations

Third sector organisations have never had their services in greater demand than in the past few years and we help trustees and boards feel confident in their figures. This is vital not only from a governance perspective but also in terms of gaining future funding and accessing resources to best serve the organisation.

The accounting process for charities and not-for-profit organisations can be complex. We help navigate our clients through the sometimes overwhelming amount of governance, compliance, and accounting regulations, allowing them to focus on ensuring that the organisation achieves its objectives and best possible outcomes.

Our specialist team ensures an in-depth  knowledge of each organisation, their aims and their aspirations. This allows them to fully understand the whole picture and advise in a tailored way to add value and to ensure success.

We provide the following services:

  • Statutory accounts preparation compliant with Charities Act, Charities SORP and other applicable legislation.
  • Audit and independent examination.
  • Systems and governance reviews to ensure that you are using the most efficient processes.
  • Setting up a new organisation (Charities, CIC or CIO) considering regulatory, taxation, and governance issues.
  • Charity taxation, including VAT, maximising income through gift aid and charitable trading.
  • Management reporting including board and grant reporting.

Our directors are trustees of various organisations and understand what is required.

Please contact us for more information.